
Tenet 01 Tenet 02
Tenet 03 Tenet 04 Tenet 05

“Art does not reproduce the visible rather it makes visible.”
Paul Klee




Webern 01 Webern 02
Webern 03 Webern 04 Webern 05 Webern 06 Webern 07
Webern 08 Webern 09 Webern 10 Webern 11
Webern 12

“Art is the imitation of nature in her manner of operation.”
John Cage




Trigram 01 Trigram 02 Trigram 03
Trigram 04 Trigram 05 Trigram 06 Trigram 07

“The call of the Curlew is my call,
the tremble of the harebell is my tremble in life.
The blue mist of the lonely hills is my mystery,
the silver gleam when the sun comes out is my pathway.”
Winifred Nicholson




Hexagram 01 Hexagram 02 Hexagram 03 Hexagram 04 Hexagram 05

“The miracle of Morandi is that he is able to discover
the poetry hidden in the most forlorn objects
and in the most modest aspect of landscape.”
Mino Macarri



Framing the Void

Framing the Void 01 Framing the Void 02
Framing the Void 03 Framing the Void 04 Framing the Void 05 Framing the Void 06

“My intention in drawing and painting is not to imitate anything,
but to originate something.”
John Piper




Multi-Puzzle 01 Multi-Puzzle 02 Multi-Puzzle 03
Multi-Puzzle 04 Multi-Puzzle 05 Multi-Puzzle 06 Multi-Puzzle 07 Multi-Puzzle 08

“My room is small yet I am boundless.”
Kathleen Raine




Jigsaw 01 Jigsaw 02 Jigsaw 03 Jigsaw 04 Jigsaw 05
Jigsaw 06 Jigsaw 07 Jigsaw 08
Jigsaw 09 Jigsaw 10
Jigsaw 11 Jigsaw 12 Jigsaw 13 Jigsaw 14
Jigsaw 15 Jigsaw 16 Jigsaw 17 Jigsaw 18
Jigsaw 19 Jigsaw 20 Jigsaw 21

“The virtue of equilibirum is that it is easily upset...”
Herbert Read




Readymade 01 Readymade 02 Readymade 03
Readymade 04 Readymade 05 Readymade 06
Readymade 07 Readymade 08

“See the ordinary in an extraordinary way.”
Giorgio De Chirico



More Paint Rag Pieces

Paint Rag Piece 01 Paint Rag Piece 02 Paint Rag Piece 03
Paint Rag Piece 04 Paint Rag Piece 05 Paint Rag Piece 06 Paint Rag Piece 07
Paint Rag Piece 08 Paint Rag Piece 09
Paint Rag Piece 10 Paint Rag Piece 11 Paint Rag Piece 12

“You search for colours until you find one that sings.”
John Minton




Miniscules 01 Miniscules 02 Miniscules 03 Miniscules 04
Miniscules 05 Miniscules 06 Miniscules 07
Miniscules 08 Miniscules 09 Miniscules 10
Miniscules 11 Miniscules 12

“Formal logic and intuition imbue a work with authenticity.”
Alan Reynolds